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Script environment

Identify executor

function identifyexecutor(): string
if ({pcall(identifyexecutor)})[2] == "Celery" then
    print("Using Celery")

Returns a string to identify what executor is being used. In this case, it's "Celery"

Get ROBLOX environment

function getrenv(): table

Returns the ROBLOX script environment.

Get global environment

function getgenv(): table

Identical to getfenv().

There is no way to implement this in Celery because ROBLOX automatically sandboxes and protects each script environment for us -- so, there is no way of connecting the environments for Celery scripts, because of how it executes them.

Get Lua registry

function getreg(): table

Returns a table containing all elements stored in lua registry.

Get identity

function getidentity(): number

Returns the context level of execution that the script is running with, most likely 6.

Set identity

function setidentity(<number> identity): void

Sets the current context level to identity.


Is read only

function isreadonly(<table> t): bool

Returns whether the table t is read only or not.

Set read only

function setreadonly(<table> t, <bool> value): value

Sets whether the table t is read only or not.

Make read only

function makereadonly(<table> t): table

Sets table t to read only. Equal to doing setreadonly(t, true).

Returns table t.

Make writeable

function makewriteable(<table> t): void

Makes the table t write-able (not read only). Equal to doing setreadonly(t, false).


Is C closure

function iscclosure(<function> f): bool

Returns true is f is a C closure and not a Lua function.

New C closure

function newcclosure(<function> f): function

Returns a C closure function which invokes the Lua function f

Hook function

function hookfunction(<function> a, <function> b): bool

Swaps the internal function of a with b, so every time a is called it will call b instead.

Returns the old a function.

Get namecall method

function getnamecallmethod(): string

Returns the current namecall method used by __namecall, as a string.

Set namecall method

function setnamecallmethod(<string> method): string

Sets the current namecall method used by __namecall to method.

Get raw metatable

function getrawmetatable(<table> t): table

Returns the raw metatable of t -- basically just bypasses the __metatable check for it.



Get script bytecode

function getscriptbytecode(<Instance<LocalScript>> localscript): string

Returns the LuaU bytecode contained in the localscript script.


ModuleScripts are not supported yet

Dissasemble bytecode

function disassemble(<string> bytecode): string

Translates a script's bytecode into a readable, disassembled output.

Decompile script

function decompile(<Instance<LocalScript>> localscript): string

Decompiles a localscript's bytecode into readable lua, as close to the original script as possible.

Fire click detector

function fireclickdetector(<Instance<ClickDetector>> clickdetector): void

Fires the clickdetector instance -- calling any signals connected to it.

Fire touch interest

function firetouchinterest(<Instance> part, <BasePart> toTouch, <number> mode): void

Fires toTouch's TouchInterest.


The toTouch argument must have a child with class TouchTransmitter in order for this function to work.

Get hidden properties

function gethiddenproperties(<Instance> instance): table

Returns hidden lua properties associated with instance.

Get hidden property

function gethiddenproperty(Instance instance, String property): Variant

Gets the hidden property property from instance.

Set hidden property

function sethiddenproperty(<Instance> instance, <string> property, <Variant> value): void

Sets the hidden property property of instance to value.


Get simulation radius

function getsimulationradius(): number

Returns your client's simulation radius.

Set simulation radius

function setsimulationradius(<number> value): void

Sets your client's simulation radius to value.