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Read file

function readfile(<string> path): string

Reads the content of the file at path as a string. This works with plain-text and binary files.

Write file

function writefile(<string> path, <string> content): string

Writes the string content to the file located at path. Only string content is supported.


Get clipboard

function getclipboard(): string

Returns the text that is saved to the host machine's clipboard.

Typically achieved by doing Ctrl+V.

Set clipboard

function setclipboard(<string> text): string

Stores text in the host machine's clipboard.


Self-explanatory I/O functions which are supported:

  • function mouse1click(): void
  • function mouse1down(): void
  • function mouse1up(): void
  • function mouse2click(): void
  • function mouse2down(): void
  • function mouse2up(): void
  • function presskey(): void
  • function releasekey(): void



function httpget(<string> url): string

Requests the content at url and returns it's body as a plain-text string.

Synapse request (syn.request)

function syn.request(<table> options): table
Name Type Required Description
Url string The target URL for this request.
Must use http or https protocols.
Method string The HTTP method being used by this request.
Most often GET or POST. Defaults to GET.
Headers dictionary A dictionary of headers to be used with this request.
Most HTTP headers are accepted here, but not all.
Cookies dictionary A dictionary of cookies to be used with this request.
Body string The request body.
Can be any string or binary data.
Must be excluded when using the GET/HEAD HTTP methods.

It might be necessary to specify the Content-Type header
when sending JSON or other formats.
Name Type Description
Success bool The success status of the request.
This is true if and only if the StatusCode lies within the range [200, 299].
StatusCode number The HTTP response code identifying the status of the response.
StatusMessage string The status message that was sent back.
Headers dictionary A dictionary of headers that were set in this response.
Cookies dictionary A dictionary of cookies that were set in this
Body string The request body (content) received in the response.
local response = syn.request(
        Url = "",  -- This website helps debug HTTP requests
        Method = "POST",
        Headers = {
            ["Content-Type"] = "application/json"  -- When sending JSON, set this!
        Body = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode({hello = "world"})

for i,v in pairs(response) do

    if type(v) == "table" then
        for i2,v2 in pairs(v) do

You can refer to S^X docs.

Deprecation note

game:HttpGet and game:HttpGetAsync are supported for legacy reasons but it should not be used since they have been fully removed from ROBLOX for a couple of years now.

Either use Celery's httpget or syn.request.